Thursday 13 October 2016

My love for Chai! | Chai Biscuit | #TeaTalks

What is life without a cup of tea and two biscuits!

Indeed the best friends are the ones which handle the temper of each other and bring in the best of moments when together.
This is a relation between chai and biscuit. A hot cup of chai is never complete without a heavy dose of biscuit (& if it’s Parle G – awesome!)

Our childhood memories are deep covered by evenings when a small packet of Parle G was a compulsion when mom used to make tea. We used to take out the biscuits one by one just to dip them in Chai and bite instantly (lest it sinks). There are a lot of life lessons and theories when it comes to dipping a biscuit in chai. Never too late to sink and die, nor too fast to not leave an impact – the timing should be perfect to hold on to oneself. Well Chai definitely does so! Makes me hold on to myself and think about the life decisions and plans and makes me a better person each day.

Sometimes I wonder had it been not tea – where would I find my solace! Wouldn’t the evening be so dull? What would handle my stress and headaches? What would that one think I would look for each morning to bring awareness and contentment? What would make a little philosophical each day? Most importantly, how would I even write this if I had not have a cup of tea right next to me as I write this!

I am grateful for small things in life – And tea makes up for most of it! Thank You Chai! For making our lives a little caffeinated to bring out the best of our moods and thoughts out! 

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